Face to Facebook -
2011. Mixed media, dimensions variable.

» Website: Face-to-Facebook.net

» Website: Lovely-Faces.com (offline)
Press material
- 5th Press Release on 19th Jan. 2012
- 4th Press Release on 7th Sept. 2011
- 3rd Press Release on 7th Apr. 2011
- 2nd Press Release on 10th Feb. 2011
- 1st Press Release on 2nd Feb. 2011
- Press Kit, high-res Images & all PDFs
- Theoretical text and technical details
- C&D legal letters from Facebook
- Personal reactions to the experiment
- Global Mass Media Hack Performance
- PDF Diagram of the hack, HD version
- Code of the hack & A.I., ZIP pack
- Text Anti-Social Sculptures, 2012
- Text Systems of Systems, 2019
- Text The Flowchart, 2019
- Artwork "Hacking Monopolism Trilogy"
- Interview for CNN online
- Interview for Art21 magazine
- Interview for Artline (en) (de)
- Interview for Artinfo.com
- Interview for Digicult (en) (it)
- Interview for NIN Serbia (en) (sr)
- Interview for TazTageszeitung (en)(de)
- Interview for Springerin (de)
Selected press coverage
- List and archive of all the worldwide press coverage by more than 1000 media outlets
- SBS World News, Australia, 2013
- CNN, U.S., 2011
- MyFox LA, U.S., 2011
- WSBTV, Atlanta U.S, 2011
- Newsy, online TV, U.S., 2011
- Apple Daily, Hong Kong, 2011
- Ceska Televize, Czech Republic, 2011
- Tagesschau, Germany, 2011
- Canal Plus, France, 2011
- SLO RTV, Slovenia, 2011
- NDR Zapp, Germany, 2011
- Le Nouvel Observateur, France, 2012
- Tink.ch, interview, Switzerland, 2012
- Dazed & Confused, interview, UK, 2011
- ROOMS, interview, UK, 2011
- Taz.die, interview, Germany, 2011
- ArtNews, review, U.S., 2011
- Libération, review, France, 2011
- xL Repubblica, review, Italy, 2011
- Springerin, interview, Austria, 2011
- Haaretz, interview, Isreal, 2011
- Politika, interview, Serbia, 2011
- NIN, interview, Serbia, 2011
- CNN, review, 2011
- Vogue, review, 2011
- MailOnLine, review, 2011
- The Independent, review, 2011
- Taipei Times, review, 2011
- Bankok Post, review, 2011
- NewsComAu, review, 2011
- Bild, review, 2011
- Wired, review, 2011
- PSFK, review, 2011
- FoxNews, review, 2011
- MyTv9 News, review, 2011
- DiePresse, review, 2011
This artwork appropriated one million Facebook profiles and posted 250,000 of them on a custom-made dating website with profiles sorted by social temperament, which was estimated through trained artificial intelligence analyzing facial expressions. The dating website, Lovely-Faces.com, provided a stage for anybody to interact with Facebook users’ personality traits such as smug, easy going, or sly. The project took place over five days of thrilling personal, media, and legal reactions, which became a global mass media performance. During the performance the artwork received over a thousand mentions in the international press, eleven legal threats, five death threats, and several letters from the lawyers of Facebook. which had to confront this artistic intervention made with its appropriated material and as a result of its security flaws. The project addressed surveillance, privacy, and the economy of social media monopolies as well as performing art interventions within global media.
Co-author: Alessandro Ludovico.
Selected pictures of installations at the following shows
Kellen Gallery, NYC; Alhóndiga, Bilbao; Aksioma, Ljubljana; Ars Electronica, Linz; Transmediale, Berlin; ENTER5, Prague; Tetem, Enschede; Share, Turin; Impakt, Utrecht; Museum CCA, Hangzhou.
Video playlist
Award of Distinction, Interactive Art, 2011, Prix Ars Electronica, Linz
First Prize, Award Share Festival Prize, 2011, Turin
Nomination, New Technological Art Award, 2012, Ghent
Nomination, Stuttgarter Filmwinter, 2012, Stuttgart
Selected shows and presentations history
Monitoring Control, solo show at Fondazione Arti Visive, 2021, Modena - Italy
Exposed, solo show at Fondazione Sandretto Rebaudengo, 2019, Turin - Italy
Skandal Normal, exhibition at OK Center for Conemporary Art, 2016, Linz - Austria
Big Bang Data, exhibition at ArtScience Museum, 2016, Singapore - Singapore
Meme City, exhibition at China Academy of Art, 2015, Hangzhou - China
Profiled: Surveillance of a Sharing Society, exhibition at Apexart gallery, 2015, NYC - U.S.
Big Bang Data, exhibition at Sumerset House, 2015, London - UK
Brave New World, exhibition at DOX, 2015, Prague - Czech Republic
After Transparency, Solo Show at Centre Culturel Bellegard, 2015, Toulouse - France
Big Bang Data, exhibition at CCCB Museum, 2014, Barcelona - Spain
Face to Facebook, exhibition at The Photographers' Gallery, 2014, London - UK
Out of Control, exhibition at Ars Electronica Center, 2014, Linz - Austria
Photography Expanded, lecture at Aperture Gallery for Magnum Foundation, 2014, NYC - U.S.
ISEA2013, keynote lecture at Museum of Contemporary Art, 2013, Sydney - Australia
Artists as Catalysts, exhibition at Alhóndiga, 2013, Bilbao - Spain
Public Private exhibition at Kellen Gallery of The New School, 2013, New York - U.S.
ArtFutura 2012, exhibition at Museum of Modern Art, 2012, Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
TEA - Collective Wisdom at National Fine arts Museum , 2012, Taichung - Taiwan
7th Seoul International Media Art Biennale, exhibition, 2012, Seoul - Korea
New Technological Art Award, exhibition, ,2012, Bruxelles - Belgium
Loving Art. Making Art, exhibition, Tel Aviv Art, 2012, Festival - Israel
From the Pharaoh Lady Gaga at Wywyższeni National Museum, 2012, Warsaw - Poland
Out of Control exhibition at Ars Electronica Center, 2012, Linz - Austria
AntiSocial Networking exhibition at Artefact festival, 2012, Leuven - Belgium
Unlike Us lecture at Institute of Network Cultures, 2012, Amsterdam - Netherlands
DATA lecture at Science Gallery, 2012, Dublin - Ireland
25. Stuttgarter Filmwinter exhibition, 2012, Stuttgart - Germany
Impakt festival, exhibition & lecture, 2011, Utrecht - Netherlands
Psychoeconomy summit, lecture, 2011, Seville - Spain
Share festival, exhibition & workshop, 2011, Turin - Italy
REALITYFLOWHACKED, Solo show at Aksioma, 2011, Ljubljana - Slovenia
Ars Electronica Festival, Origin, exhibition & workshop, 2011, Linz - Austria
Rewire Conference, FACT, lecture, 2011, Liverpool - UK
Networked, Centro Fundación Telefónica, exhibition, 2011, Lima - Peru
File Festival, exhibition, 2011, Sao Paulo - Brazil
EMAF 2011 festival, lecture, 2011, Osnabrück - Germany
Chilling Effects, Tetem, exhibition, 2011, Enschede - Netherlands
Share Conferences, presentation, 2011, Belgrade - Serbia
ENTER 5 Festival, exhibition, 2011, Prague - Czech Republic
Computational Photography, Camp Pixelache, 2011, Helsinki - Finland
Response:Ability, Transmediale, exhibition, 2011, Berlin - Germany
Selected bibliographyFrankenstein Reanimated, Book, Torque, UK, 2022, ISBN 9780993248764Digital Performances Aesthetics, Book, Worin, South Korea, 2022, ISBN 978895786818893680Automated Photography, Book, Interview, Mörel, U.K., 2021, ISBN 9782970145103Interview with Cirio, Digital War, Journal, Interview, Springer, Germany, 2021, Vol 2, Issue 1-3, ISBN 26621975Coercive Disobedience, Art Journal, Journal, Review, Taylor & Francis , U.K., 2021, Vol 80, No. 3Artificial Intelligence, Slanted, Magazine, Review, Slanted, Germany, 2021, Issue #37antiDATA, Book, Les Presses du réel, France, 2020, ISBN 9782378961855Mind the Gap, Book, Postmedia Books, Italy, 2020, ISBN 9788874902897Farnesina Quaderni, Catalog, Electa, Italy, 2020, ISBN 007575757109452xCoAx, Aesthetics & X, Journal, University of Porto, Austria, 2020, ISBN 9789897462665Exposed, Cortex, Journal, Cover, Elsevier, Scotland, June 2020, Vol. 127, ISBN 00109452Vita da art-hacker, Left, Magazine, Review, Italy, July 31 2020, N. 31Sous haute surveillance, Éditions AS, Magazine, AS, France, 2020, N. 232Ricchezza della scienza, Civiltà Delle Macchine, Magazine, Italy, 2020, 26124416FLOWCHARTS, Systems of Systems, Artist Monograph, Lulu, U.S., 2019, ISBN 9780359616718Il Volto delle Emozioni, Catalog, SilvanaEditoriale, Italy, 2019, ISBN 9788836643455Molten Crystal, Annual Art Journal, Journal, University Singapore, , 2019, NO. 8Bending the Law, The University of Hong Kong Bulletin, Magazine, Review, HKU, Hong Kong, 2019, Vol. 21, N. 1Art Beyond Digital, Book, Link Editions, Italy, 2018, ISBN 9780244085926L'art au-delà du digital, Book, Scala, France, 2018, ISBN 9782359881974Culture Jamming, Book, Interview, NYU Press, U.S., 2017, ISBN 147987972XPensar & Poetizar, Journal, Review, Instituto de Arte, Chile, 2017, ISSN 125779The Art of Paolo Cirio, Theory Culture & Society, Journal, Review, Sage, UK, 2017, ISSN: 0263-2764A Companion to Public Art, Book, Review, John Wiley & Sons, UK, 2016, ISBN 1118475348Streaming Egos, Book, Goethe-Institut, France, 2016, ISBN 9783945048207Dada 100th - Dada Festival Tokyo, Catalog, Swiss Institute, Japan, July 2016Social Algorithm Art, Catalog, Peter Niemann, Text to the World, Germany, 2016, Issue N.16Hacking art, The Art Newspaper, Magazine, Interview, China, 2016Face to Facebook, ARCH+, Magazine, Review, Germany, March 2016, Issue 222Networked Affect, Book, Mitt Press, U.S., 2015, ISBN 9780262028646Digital Art, Book, Thames and Hudson, UK, 2015, ISBN 9780500204238Thinking Through Digital Media, Book, Palgrave, U.S., 2015, ISBN 9781137433626Repensar lo público, Estudios Globales y Arte, Journal, Review, Uni de Barcelona, Spain, 2015, Vol. 3La condition numérique, ArtPress, Magazine, Review, France, Nov-Dec 2015 2015, n. 39The Routledge Companion, Book, Review, Routledge, UK, 2014, ISBN 1134748744Brave New World, Catalog, DOX Centre for Contemporary Art, Czech Republic, 2014, ISBN 9780060929879Highlike Book, FILE SP, Catalog, SESI SP, Brazil, 2014, ISBN 9780984741342Unlike Us Reader, Book, Institute of Network Cultures, Netherland, 2013, ISBN 9789081857529ISEA2013 Resistance is futile, Catalog, Leonardo, Australia, 2013, ISBN 9780646913131ETC, Magazine, ETC Media, Canada, 2013, ISBN 9782924114025I Know Who You Are and I Saw What You Did, Book, Free Press, U.S., 2012, ISBN 9781451650518Practicas Artisticas e Internet, Book, Akal, Spain, 2012, ISBN 9788446042471TEA / Collective Wisdom, Catalog, Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan, 2012, ISBN 9789860338188ARTFUTURA 2012, Catalog, Argentina, 2012, ISBN 849220849X7th Seoul International Media Art Biennale Media City Seoul, Catalog, South Korea, 2012The Big Picture, Catalog, Hatje Cantz, Austria, 2012, ISBN 9783775734349Vie privée: en danger sur le Net?, Le Nouvel Observateur, Magazine, France, 2012, Issue 2506Tick, Magazine, Switzerland, 2012, Issue 6Art contemporain nouveaux médias, Book, France, 2011, ISBN 978235988038Sculpting the Flow of Reality, Catalog, Aksioma, Slovenia, 2011, Issue N.9Origin, Catalog, Hatje Cantz, Austria, 2011, ISBN 9783775731805This is media art, Catalog, Germany, 2011, ISBN 9783926501332Datapolis, Catalog, Checz Republic, 2011, ISBN 9788025495438FILE Festival, FILE, Catalog, Fiesp, Brazil, 2011, ISBN 9788589730136The Social Revolution, ARTnews, Magazine, U.S., 2011, Issue JuneDazed and Confused, Magazine, UK, 2011, Issue 204, ISBN 0961-9704ROOMS, Magazine, UK, 2011, issue 6, ISBN 2046-5505Springerin, Magazine, Austria, 2011, Issue 2/11D'Ars, Magazine, Italy, 2011, N205 Anno 51Politika, Magazine, Interview, Serbia, 2011NIN, Magazine, Interview, Serbia, 2011La Republica XL, Magazine, Review, Italy, Apr. 2011, Year VII n65Licem u lice s Facebook-om, PC Serbia, Magazine, Interview, Serbia, 2011, April Haaretz, Newspaper, Interview, Israel, 2011Taz Die Tageszeitung, Newspaper, Germany, Oct. 8th 2011
Installation at Out of Control, exhibition at Ars Electronica Center, Linz - Austria |
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