Bibliography for the artwork Obscurity

Torin Monahan, "Crisis Vision", Book, Duke University, U.S., 2022, ISBN 9781478018759
Seok Jin Han, "Digital Performances Aesthetics", Book, Worin, South Korea, 2022, ISBN 978895786818893680
Marco Scotini; Christian Marazzi; Paolo Cirio, "Monitoring Control", Book, NERO Editions, Italy, 2022, ISBN 9788880561569

Clare Birchall, "Radical Secrecy", Book, Minnesota Press, U.S., 2021, ISBN 9781517910433
Joël Vacheron, "Automated Photography", Book, Interview, Mörel, U.K., 2021, ISBN 9782970145103
Chin-chin Yap, "Interview with Cirio", Digital War, Journal, Interview, Springer, Germany, 2021, Vol 2, Issue 1-3, ISBN 26621975
"Artificial Intelligence", Slanted, Magazine, Review, Slanted, Germany, 2021, Issue #37
Alessandro Pajno, "Costruire il futuro ", Civiltà Delle Macchine, Magazine, Italy, 2021, 26124416
Marco Consoli, "Io ti troverò", WIRED, Magazine, Interview, Italy, 2021, N97, ISBN 9772035739002

Sarah Esther Lageson, "Digital Punishment", Book, Oxford University, U.S., 2020, ISBN 9780190872007
Paolo Cirio; etc., "L'Arte di Paolo Cirio nella Società dell'Informazione", Catalog, Lulu, U.S., 2020, ISBN 9781716839214

Irene Calderoli, "Il Volto delle Emozioni", Catalog, SilvanaEditoriale, Italy, 2019, ISBN 9788836643455

Marco Mancuso, " Arte, tecnologia e scienza ", Book, Mimesis Edizioni, Italy, 2018, ISBN 9788857553139
Bound Baw, "Art Science is", Catalog, Review, BNN, Japan, 2018, ISBN 9784802511148
Anonda Bell, "Mirror Mirror", Catalog, Catalog, Rutgers University, U.S., 2018, ISBN 9781970015010
Kari Conte, "Concrete Truth", Catalog, ISCP International Studio & Curatorial Program, U.S., 2018, ISBN 9781732087606
Yeewan Koon, "Imagined Borders", Gwangju Biennale, Catalog, Catalog, South Korea, 2018, ISBN 9788970599748
Christy Lange, "Surveillance, Bias and Control", Frieze, Magazine, Review, UK, June 4th 2018, 196, June - August
"Flou hacktiviste", M le magazine di Le Monde, Magazine, Review, Le Monde, France, 2018, August

Sunil Manghani, "The Art of Paolo Cirio", Theory Culture & Society, Journal, Review, Sage, UK, 2017, ISSN: 0263-2764

Ars Electronica, "Radical Atoms", Catalog, Hatje Cantz, Austria, 2016, ISBN 9783775741934

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